Posts Tagged ‘mask’

AS3 Polygon Clipper

Monday, May 23rd, 2011

I was looking for an open source polygon clipper library for AS3 to use on a commercial project.
I found a few ports of the General Polygon Clipper library (GPC) but it is only free for non-commercial projects.
After more searching around I found this excellent library called Clipper by Angus Johnson. It did not have an AS3 port so I made one using Alchemy to wrap the c++ code.

The SWC and source code can be found on github:

It is completely free and open source for both personal and commercial projects. Clipper uses the Boost Software License.

Supported clipping operations: difference, intersection, union and XOR.

Here’s an example of how to use the AS3 port after importing the Clipper.swc file:

import com.flassari.geom.Clipper;
import com.flassari.geom.ClipType;

var subjectPolygon:Array = [new Point(0, 0), new Point(200, 0), new Point(100, 200)];

var clipPolygon:Array = [new Point(0, 100), new Point(200, 100), new Point(300, 200)];

var resultPolygons:Array = Clipper.clipPolygon(subjectPolygon, clipPolygon, ClipType.DIFFERENCE);

There is now an AS3 port available at

Pie mask in AS3

Friday, November 13th, 2009

Sometimes I have the need for a rotational progress bar that acts like a pie growing bigger (or smaller if that strikes your fancy). As usual, I made my own =)
The function drawPieMask takes first the graphics object of the displayObject instance and draws a part of pie on it, percentage set’s how big the part is.
If you want to offset the rotation of the pie (it starts to the right by default) you can set the rotation parameter. Note that rotation is in radians, not degrees, but you can multiply your degrees by (Math.PI/180) to convert to radians.
Lastly, the sides property determines how many sides the circle drawn in the mask has. You can see an example of different pie masks after the code.

To make the code as customizable as possible, it does not make a call to beginFill in case you want to set your own fill (or gradientfill even?).
If you just want to use it as a basic mask, just call beginFill(0) before and endFill() after the call to drawPieMask.

function drawPieMask(graphics:Graphics, percentage:Number, radius:Number = 50, x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0, rotation:Number = 0, sides:int = 6):void {
	// graphics should have its beginFill function already called by now
	graphics.moveTo(x, y);
	if (sides < 3) sides = 3; // 3 sides minimum
	// Increase the length of the radius to cover the whole target
	radius /= Math.cos(1/sides * Math.PI);
	// Shortcut function
	var lineToRadians:Function = function(rads:Number):void {
		graphics.lineTo(Math.cos(rads) * radius + x, Math.sin(rads) * radius + y);
	// Find how many sides we have to draw
	var sidesToDraw:int = Math.floor(percentage * sides);
	for (var i:int = 0; i <= sidesToDraw; i++)
		lineToRadians((i / sides) * (Math.PI * 2) + rotation);
	// Draw the last fractioned side
	if (percentage * sides != sidesToDraw)
		lineToRadians(percentage * (Math.PI * 2) + rotation);

Example of different sides values. The last circle has a pie with 3 sides as a mask.

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